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RealDrop®/TrueDrop®接触角/水滴角测量仪基于sessile drop法的接触角测量是表征材料表面润湿性的核心方法

2025-2-25 9:18:31
基于sessile drop法的接触角测量是表征材料表面润湿性的核心方法,其基本原理和常规方法可综合如下:
一、RealDrop®/TrueDrop®接触角/水滴角测量仪的sessile drop法基本原理
sessile drop法通过分析固-液-气三相接触点形成的平衡液滴几何形状,测量接触角以评估表面润湿性。其理论依据为杨氏方程,即接触角(θ)由固-气(γₛᵥ)、固-液(γₛₗ)和液-气(γₗᵥ)界面张力的平衡关系决定:
\cos\theta = \frac{\gamma_{sv} - \gamma_{sl}}{\gamma_{lv}}
1. 设备配置
- 核心仪器为测角仪(如TrueDrop®/RealDrop®接触角及水滴角测量仪),配备高分辨率摄像头和控温系统
- 液滴体积控制:微量注射器精准释放2-10 μL液体(如水、二碘甲烷等),减少重力对微小液滴形状的影响
- 表面预处理:样品需抛光至特定粗糙度(Ra值通常<1 μm),避免表面形貌干扰接触角测量
2. 测量模式
3. 数据处理与模型
三、RealDrop®/TrueDrop®接触角/水滴角测量仪测试时的Sessile drop方法比较与局限性
1. 与传统方法对比
- 相较于悬滴法(pendant drop)直接测量液-气界面张力,sessile drop法更适用于固体表面润湿性评估,但对超疏水表面(θ>150°)需采用毛细桥探针法等特殊技术
- 浸湿热法(heat of immersion)在区分颗粒润湿性时可能更灵敏,但sessile drop法因非破坏性和易操作性仍是主流
2. 误差来源
接触线钉扎:蒸发过程中液滴基底半径变化导致CCR(恒定接触半径)与CCA(恒定接触角)模式转换,需通过环境湿度控制(>60% RH)抑制蒸发干扰
1. 动态润湿分析:结合Lattice-Boltzmann数值模拟,预测液滴在非均质表面的铺展动力学,与实验测量的接触角误差<5%
2. 软物质界面:通过调节基底粘弹性(损耗模量变化1个数量级),实现蒸发模式从CCR到CCA的可控切换
3. 微观机理关联:同步测量纳米颗粒(NP)在宏观基底的接触角与液-气界面吸附量,揭示润湿性对乳液稳定的调控机制
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参考文献(41) :
1. Bioactivation of 3D Cell-Imprinted Polydimethylsiloxane Surfaces by Bone Protein Nanocoating for Bone Tissue Engineering.
2. Determination of Sessile Drop Wetting Angle Based on μCT without the Direct Angle Measurement.
3. Evaluation of surface tensions and root-dentin surface contact angles of different endodontic irrigation solutions.
4. The Liquid Young's Law on SLIPS: Liquid-Liquid Interfacial Tensions and Zisman Plots.
5. Investigation of correlations between powder functionalities and powder surface properties for milk protein ingredients.
6. Evaluation of surface roughness, wettability and adhesion of multispecies biofilm on 3D-printed resins for the base and teeth of complete dentures.
7. Application of the Lattice-Boltzmann method to wetting on anisotropic textured surfaces: Characterization of the liquid-solid interface.
8. Evaporation Dynamics of Surfactant-Laden Droplets on a Superhydrophobic Surface: Influence of Surfactant Concentration.
9. Deep Learning to Analyze Sliding Drops.
10. Further Exploration of Heat of Immersion as a Method to Quantify Wettability for Particulates: Effect of Temperature.
11. Effects of UV Postcuring Times on the Color Stability, Surface Properties and Conversion of 3D-printed Temporary Resin Composites.
12. Capillary Bridges on Hydrophobic Surfaces: Analytical Contact Angle Determination.
13. Antifungal Activities and Some Surface Characteristics of Denture Soft Liners Containing Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles.
14. Adsorption Properties and Wettability of Ethoxy- and Propoxy- Derivatives of 2-Ethylhexanol as Sterically Specific Surfactant Structures.
15. State-and-rate friction in contact-line dynamics.
16. Hansen Solubility Parameters for Directly Dealing with Surface and Interfacial Phenomena.
17. Contact Angle Measurement on Curved Wetting Surfaces in Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Method.
18. Influence of Selected Ophthalmic Fluids on the Wettability and Hydration of Hydrogel and Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses-In Vitro Study.
19. Using Different Surface Energy Models to Assess the Interactions between Antiviral Coating Films and phi6 Model Virus.
20. Effect of Surfactants on Eliminating Stable Ultrafine Chalcopyrite Froth.
21. Understanding the Role of Loss Modulus of Viscoelastic Substrates in the Evaporation Dynamics of Sessile Drops.
22. Effect of Camera Parallax Angle on the Accuracy of Static Contact Angle Measurements.
23. Effect of a novel irrigation regimen and root canal filling material versus conventional endodontic protocols on dentin wettability.
24. Study on Surface Roughness, Morphology, and Wettability of Laser-Modified Powder Metallurgy-Processed Ti-Graphite Composite Intended for Dental Application.
25. Systematic Study of Wettability Alteration of Glass Surfaces by Dichlorooctamethyltetrasiloxane Silanization-A Guide for Contact Angle Modification.
26. Assessment of nanoparticle immersion depth at liquid interfaces from chemically equivalent macroscopic surfaces.
27. Measuring Colloidal Forces With Atomic Force Microscopy 1: Salt Influence on Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions.
28. Effect of trialkoxysilane/aminosilane-containing universal adhesive on resin-ceramic microtensile bond strength and ceramic wettability: An in-vitro study.
29. Effect of layer thickness and printing orientation on the color stability and stainability of a 3D-printed resin material.
30. Triple-line dynamics of a soft colloid-laden drop on a hydrophobic surface.
31. Effect of non-thermal plasma treatment and resin cements on the bond strength of zirconia ceramics with different yttria concentrations.
32. The effect of surface roughness on capillary rise in micro-grooves.
33. Osteoblastic and Bacterial Response of Hybrid Dental Implants.
34. Polarity-Induced Reactive Wetting: Spreading and Retracting Sessile Water Drops.
35. Antimicrobial efficacy and topographical alterations of photodynamic therapy versus conventional antimicrobials on contaminated zirconia ceramic in vitro.
36. The Effect of Trace Oxygen Addition on the Interface Behavior of Low-Alloy Steel.
37. Influence of the Ground Electrode on the Dynamics of Electrowetting.
38. Capillary Assembly of Anisotropic Particles at Cylindrical Fluid-Fluid Interfaces.
39. Research on the Adhesion Properties of Fast-Melting SBS-Modified Asphalt-Aggregate Based on Surface Free Energy Theory.
40. Evaluation of surface characterization and mechanical features of resin-matrix ceramics before and after different surface treatments.
41. Is contact-line mobility a material parameter?